15 Redstone Creations

Here is an amazing map featuring 15 different redstone creations. Some of the included redstone machines are two TNT cannons, an advanced item sorting machine and an automatic iron ingot farm. But there’s much more than that to discover. All of them are fairly easy to build and can most definitely be useful for your future creations in Minecraft.

Creator: Jhomes, Twitter Account

A fully automated TNT cannon which fires long range TNT blocks. It’s a very useful machine which you should setup at your base to defend against possible intruders.

Decide whether to enable fire arrows or just using the ordinary ones. Either way, it’s a very powerful machine to quickly demolish enemies. A clear disadvantage is that it runs out of arrows after 30 seconds or so, but by then you’ve probably already killed your enemies.

The basic version of the TNT cannon. It doesn’t fire as far as the ultra cannon but it’s more easy to build and good for close range battles.

Place the items and blocks which you want to sort in the chest and then let the machine do the boring task of sorting it for you. The lamp will blink while it’s working. You can place any items in the machine as it got loads of different item categories available and the items it doesn’t know what to do with is placed in the “Miscellaneous”.

Keep your based locked up and only accessible by authorized personnel. To open the iron door it requires the player to place two key password papers in the hopper. Once entering, there will be a button inside to close the door. This means the passwords are only required when entering the building.

This machine works similar to the other secured door but one difference is that the password can be retrieved from the dropper after you’ve used the button to open the door.

Set up a free to use vending machine. Use the arrow to select the block which you want to retrieve and then press the button to get it.

The idea is awesome. Free cooked meals. But I couldn’t get it to work entirely. You are supposed to put a spawn egg in the chest on the right and then pull the lever on the wall to release the animal in the cooking machine. This all works fine but I never seem to retrieve the steak. If you do get it to work, please let us know in the comments!

The four item frames on the left are just for demonstration and to show you the code you need to open the iron door, don’t use these! Instead use the item frames and arrows on the right wall to open the iron door. This is a basic but very effective setup to make sure only you have access to your base and not some unwelcome intruders.

Is it cruel? Most certainly. Is it an effective way to get iron ingots? Oh yes! It’s a really simple setup with iron golems on the top of the machine which automatically drop into some lava when spawning. (If you wanna stop the cruelty or if it lags too much, use the diamond pickaxe to destroy the spawners!)

This is one of those machines which probably would put loads of people out of work if it existed in real life in the early 1800s. It’s genius though. Press one button and automatically harvest all your fields and have all the crops placed in a chest.

Four numbers are required to open the door. There doesn’t seem to be a reset button, so I suppose you will have to add that by yourself somehow!

Pick among several different armors, step into the wardrobe and press the button to automatically put the gear on.

Place an item in the dropper, pull the lever and it will travel to the top.

Purchase golden apples by placing emeralds into the hopper.


8 Redstone Creations

Here is a redstone map which demonstrates eight advanced and extremely useful redstone creations. Some of the structures include a lock door combination system with a built-in defense mechanism. I’m sure you will be able to use many of these machines to drastically increase the safety and efficiency for your own bases.

Creator: GellarMuhammad

Use the keypad to enter a 4-digit code. If you use the correct keycode the door will open. But if you for some reason get it wrong then zombies will fall down in front of you. It’s a really awesome intruder defence system.

This is a bridge which can be set to two different states. The first (and default) state is no lava. This means you can walk on the bridge without any risk of death. However, if you press on the button you will activate the lava state. This means lava will appear which makes it impossible for anyone to cross the bridge.

On the opposite side of the first Dispenser Bridge there is another looking just the same. The difference here is that it uses water instead of lava.

This elevator comes very handy when building houses and similar. It’s like a smarter version of a ladder because it can be turned and off at your will.

Use the lever on the top of the structure to turn it on and off. It will never run out of water.

This is your perfect weapon against intruders such as skeletons. The machine have one button and one lever. The button controls whether you want to use flaming arrows or normal ones. The lever is used to turning on and off the arrow firing mechanism.

The dispensers will eventually run out of arrows. So you will have to refill it from time to time.

This machine detects if rain is active. If it is, then a redstone signal will ignite a TNT block which will cause an explosion.

Place your items in the bottom chest. Use the lever to turn on the machine. All items will then be sent to the top chest automatically. This process might take a little while. Don’t forget to turn off the lever when you are done.

This is a handy machine to use between your mine and base. For example, you could place one chest deep down in your mine and then another at the top of your base.

Stand on the edge of the trapdoor to activate the tripwire. Then jump up if you are using the up elevator or just stand still if you are using the down elevator.


12 Redstone Structures

This is a map which introduces 12 different redstone structures using some of the latest features in Minecraft 0.14. It’s a really useful map to have a look at for anyone who is new to redstone and want to learn more how it can benefit your creations in-game. Learn how to build a vending machine, automatic portal and several other advanced structures.

Creator: BhoqZzz, Twitter Account

Let’s begin by having a look at the two most simple structures in the map: Door Open/Close and Lamp On/Off. Both structures use two buttons which toggle two different states (door open/close, lamp on/off).

The Automatic Sorting System is useful if you want to set up a storage room where you can keep all stuff you collect but don’t want to have to sort all the items manually.

Place the any type of items in the top left chest. If any of the items is equal to the ones which the four bottom chests represent then they will placed in those chests. If not, the items will go in the chest to the furthest on the right and through hoppers drop into a dropper which spits it out into some lava.

The Password Door Lock includes door which is connected to a hopper. If you drop a paper note into the hopper which include the correct password then the door will open. To obtain the paper password item tap on the right button.

A Trash Can is useful when you quickly want to get rid of things. Simply drop the unwanted items in the chest and the hopper, dropper and lava will take care of the rest.

The Nether Portal can be turned on and off by the use of two separate buttons.

The lamps for the Auto Light structure is only turned once the darkness has fallen. It’s a good system to have set up at your base in case you don’t like the dark.

Select one of the items using the middle arrow and then drop an emerald in the hopper. If the item was delivered successfully then you can pick it up from the dropper. The Alternative Vending Machine will then be resetted.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what this structure is supposed to do. If you do manage to figure out, please let us know in the comments.

The Password Door is only opened once the right combination is triggered using the levers. In this case the password is set to 1346.

This is a Vending Machine which is great to use since it doesn’t require you to insert any coins (e.g. diamonds or emeralds). It’s a good setup for your base as you normally don’t have to pay for stuff which you already own, right?

The way it is setup causes a small delay have patience.

The Auto Potion Maker is perfect if you don’t wanna spend time mixing your potions. Instead, let the machine handle that and then grab the potion when it’s ready.

Two more redstone creations have been added since we last wrote this review. We’ll leave them up to you to discover!


Auto Vending Machine

This vending machine is fully automated and is entirely powered by redstone. It has pretty much the same features a real life vending machine would have. Insert coins into the machine and select from various options which item to get. It’s a great way to learn how redstone works as all the redstone logic and setup is completely open and available to see when it’s in action.

Creator: DelisoJan, Twitter Account

Take some coins (diamonds) from the chest. Add some coins to the dropper and then press the wooden button to insert them into the machine.

In this case I only added one coin. And as you can see, I am only able to choose between Melon and Cooked Potato.

But if I add two coins to the machine then the Cooked Porkchop and Cooked Chicken options will light up.

I’m in the mood for some cooked chicken. If I press the button above the chicken the dispenser on the right will drop it in a few seconds.

On the very left of the creation is a door which leads to the income storage. Here you can find all the coins which have been inserted into the vending machine.


Controllable Display

The Controllable Display is a huge redstone map which includes a display screen (64 pixels). You can create unique images and save them to a redstone powered memory. The image can then be loaded back to the screen by the use of a lever. All pixels are controlled by an extremely easy to use X and Y coordinate system.

Creator: GR00G0, Twitter Account

The screen has a resolution of 64 pixels all of which can be controlled using levers. An image can then be saved to a memory and later loaded back to the screen.

To select a pixel on the screen you must use at least two levers.

Let’s say we want to select the pixel in the bottom-right corner of the screen. To do this we need to toggle the following levers: Y: 1, X: 8.

To activate the selected pixel on the display screen head over to the Display Control (red) area and press the Toggle Selected Pixel(s) button.

The screen will then display the selected pixel.

Let’s say we want to save this image to a memory. Head over to the Memory Control (yellow) area and press the Save Current Image button.

Go back to the Pixel Control (green) area and toggle the previously selected levers. Then go to the Display Control (red) area and select Clear Display.

The screen will be resetted. If you then return to the Memory Control (yellow) area and toggle the Load Saved Image lever then the bottom-right pixel image which we previously saved will be loaded on the screen.


Five Nights at Freddy’s 1 Song

Five Nights at Freddy’s is a very popular horror game which has gained a lot of attraction for the songs included in the games. For example, the original song on YouTube which this redstone map is based on have more than 60 million views on YouTube. That by itself equals a total of more than 300 years of time which has been spent by people watching the video.

Anyways, in this map you will be able to play the same song and listen to it in-game. It uses redstone and noteblocks to do this. The pace is a little bit slower than the original tune but it’s still a really well made map.

Creator: LesterPlaysMCPE

The sound quality is not the best. If someone records a version with a better sound quality we would be happy to add it to the post!


Modern Redstone House

The Modern Redstone House includes every redstone feature you could wish for and it also looks very cool! In the basement you will find an armor station, a secure safe, a vending machine and a few other creations. It’s a really good house to use as a base for your survival world as it includes everything to keep you safe from monsters during the night and well geared when you go out on your daily adventures.

Creator: Reinplayzz (Twitter Account) or WiederDude

Armor Station: Use the item arrows to select the armors which you want to use. Then step inside the wardrobe and press the button. Wait 10-20 seconds for it to complete the process.

Vending Machine: Use the levers to select which items you want to receive. Collect them in the output chest. Remember to switch off the levers when you are done.

Secure Safe: The safe can be used for storing all your valuable items. It’s locked by a secure code.

This is just a few examples of what the house includes. And in the future it’s likely to be even more redstone creations!


10 Smart Redstone Creations

Here’s a map which includes 10 smart redstone creations. All of them are incredibly useful and if you learn how to build this we can promise you that some things will get a whole lot easier in Minecraft and you will also be able to progress much faster in survival.

Creator: HeatDroid (credits for each invention is given in the map)

The map includes items found only in version 0.14 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. This means it’s limited to 0.14 players only.

The Auto Nether includes two buttons (open and close) on each side of the machine. Tap on either of the buttons to open/close the Nether portal.

The Trash Bin can be used for throwing away items which you no longer need. Simply put the throw away items in the chest and they will be destroyed.

Begin by placing a door at the sign which says so. Then use the levers to input the right code to open the door.

The Automatic Farm helps you to more efficiently harvest your crops. Let’s say you are growing wheat. Simply wait for it to finish growing then tap on the button to harvest it. The harvested wheat can then be found in the chest.

The Auto Steak machine include two buttons. The top one should be used to generate cows. Then tap on the second one to make steak of them.

The Secret Door is only possible to open by throwing items on the poppy flower. More items thrown on the poppy results in a longer time the door is being opened.

Make sure you wear some armor and then step into the wardrobe.

Switch on the lever to start duplicating the sunflower item.


Automatic Sorting Machine

The Automatic Sorting Machine is precisely what the name implies. It’s a redstone machine which can recycle and sort items. It’s very well put together and easy to use. Simply read the instructions in the map or the ones found further down on this page.

This map works only for 0.14 as it includes hoppers and other items which only exist in that version.

Creator: Vincent Carmelo, Twitter Account

Place the items which you want to recycle in the hopper chest as seen in the image below.

If the items placed in the chest include any of the following items: diamonds, iron ingots or gold ingots then the machine will assume these are items you want to keep and as a result safely move them to their own chest.

It’s like a safety mechanism to make sure you aren’t throwing away any items which are of value.

In the same room there’s a recycle bin. Make sure the lever on the left side is switched off (up). Place the items which you want to exterminate in the chest.

Once you are certain that these are the items you want removed then switch on the lever (down) and they will be deleted.


Advanced Calculator

This is by no doubt one of the most complex calculators ever created in Minecraft Pocket Edition. It can perform all of the most basic operations such as division, multiplication, subtraction and addition.

It’s amazing how big the calculator is and probably quite difficult to get an idea how it actually works, unless you are a redstone genius of course.

Creator: JingXuuu919, NgJingXu

The calculator can perform the following calculations:

Let’s give it a try.

To properly use the calculator begin by selecting the first number. In this case we selected 8.

Then turn to the left and select one of the operations. In this case we selected division.

Then turn back to the keypad and select the last number. We selected 2.

Then turn to the number display. It might take some time to load but just be patience and it will soon display the correct number. As in our case, it gave us 04 which is correct!

To restart the process use the Reset button and then do another calculation.
