
MineGolf is a minigolf minigame. The map includes eight miniature golf courses. By each completed course it gets a bit more difficult as there will be more obstacles. Grab a golf ball from a chest and start playing. You can even play and compete against friends. Let us know in the comments how many strokes you got on the 8 holes!

Creator: marcusogarte2, Twitter Account

At each golf course there is a chest with some golf balls (or actually it’s snowballs). Take a golf ball from the chest and then stand behind the dark green line and then drop the item (hold down your finger on the item in your hotbar to drop it) to make your shot.

If your golf ball missed the hole (hopper) then you will have to go and pick it up and throw it again from the place it’s at. Keep a count of how many strokes you get for each hole.


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