Egaland is a modern city and actually one of the oldest ones for Minecraft PE which is still being updated regularly. The city consists mostly of colorful skyscrapers and other large housing objects but there are also awesome creations such as a museum and an airport which you can explore. As a whole, it’s a very detailed and beautiful city with a lot to see!
Creator: Qwertycyz123, Twitter Account, Website
Updated: 26 September, 2017
Disneyland is now also in Egaland!
The museum is inspired by the Louvre in Paris.
The airport is the biggest airport which I have ever seen in Minecraft Pocket Edition. It is incredibly detailed and it also looks very realistic.
The details are just amazing! I love it!
Specials thanks to nxusMCPE, AvrinMinecraft, PeacelandGov, m_styler777, mnabil0303, Jovan, mi1_MCPE and carby137!
Anyone is allowed to use the map as long you give credits to qwertycyz123.
Egaland Disneyland Update: