6 Command Block Creations

This map features six different command block creations which for the most part are quite simple to create but can be extremely beneficial for builders. It’s a great showcase map since it gives you a great overlook of the actual redstone and command blocks which are involved in making these processes happen.

Creator:  Jannik_DE, Twitter Account
Updated: 26 March, 2017 (added two more creations)

Moving Platform: This particular creation is a great addition to parkour maps and similar types of jumping challenges in maps. Even dropper and elytra maps could make great use of it.

Countdown: If there’s one thing which usually is missing in maps then there’s a countdown. This simple creation fixes that issue.

Custom Mobs: Customize the looks for mobs in-game.

There are one more creation which you’ll find in-game but that one I’ll let you explore on your own!


Note Block Game Sounds

This map contains five different redstone creations which can be used to play sounds from famous video games. All of the sounds are very short but you can set them on loop to make them play an infinite amount of times. Have a look at the different creations and find out how to add them to your own worlds.

Creator: TNTyaay

There are five different sounds which you can play and each of them can be set on a loop.

The best way to showcase these kinds of maps is with a video. Here’s a quick one but if you want to hear all of the sounds you’ll need to give a try yourself.


Simple Command Mansion

This mansion is suitable for anyone who want to get some inspiration on what you can build with the command blocks. There are somewhere around five different creations which you can explore and each of them is equally awesome in their own way!

Creator: BuyTap, Twitter Account

The command room can be used for controlling things such as the weather or the time of day.

This is probably the simplest but most impressive for someone (like myself) who haven’t played around too much with command blocks yet. It’s an invisible elevator. As soon as you step on a pressure plate you will start levitating. The length of the potion effect is just enough to get you to the second floor.

The infinite railway is really cool as well. Place a minecart on the rails and then start riding. Every time you pass over an activator block and a command block new rails appear. It can literally go on forever!

It’s not the biggest mansion in Minecraft but it’s still a pretty cool map to explore to get some command block ideas.

Important: This map requires version 1.0.5 for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Android users can sign up for a beta here!


Custom Portal

This is an extremely clever creation which I couldn’t resist to post even though it’s very simple and doesn’t provide much gameplay. It’s the perfect solution for anyone who want to implement a portal in their world which functions similarly to the Nether portal. It appears to be very easy to build as long you’ve got version 1.0.5 or higher.

Creator: CosmicClamk, Twitter Account

Press the button on the command block and then step into the portal to teleport to another dimension. Well, not really, but it looks and functions very similarly to the Nether portal.

As soon as you step inside the portal you’ll get a nausea effect and after a few seconds you’ll automatically teleport to another world.

Important: This map requires version 1.0.5 for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Android users can join the alpha for version 1.0.5 here!


Structure Animation

This creation can be used as a base to build your own animation or to play a preset animation. It uses lots of redstone and command blocks in order to enable this process to happen. It provides a great tutorial for anyone who would want to build and implement something similar in their own worlds.

Creator: CosmicClamk, Twitter Account

Once you’ve spawned you will be able to play the preset animation by pressing a button. You can also check out the animation down below.

Click here or on the image to play the animation.

You can also build your own animation. There is a button at spawn which you can click on to teleport to that area.

Here is a detailed video tutorial how to build animations with command blocks.

Important: This map requires alpha version 1.0.5 for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Android users can sign up for the alpha here!


Lucky Blocks

In this map you’ll find a redstone creation which can be used for replacing the sponge with a lucky block and it even has its own unique behaviors. There are many mods and add-ons which have added lucky blocks to the game but this is the first map to do it without any mods. However, there are some downsides. For example, it will only work if it is placed on one specific location.

Creator: SardineBackbord

Press the button at spawn to automatically teleport to the redstone creation. There you will find a lucky block on the ground and you will also receive one in your own inventory. The main downside with this creation is that it has to be placed down at the exact location (which the sign points at) in order to work.

A bunch of different things can happen when breaking a lucky block. If you are lucky you will get a diamond sword, some iron gear or some food. However, if the luck isn’t on your side today then some bad things can happen (such as monsters spawning).

To make this work there are more than 20 different command blocks and all of it is connected by redstone.

Important: This map requires the 1.0.5 beta (Android users sign up here)!


15 Piston Creations

This map features 15 different redstone creations which in some way relate to pistons. All of them are structures which in some way or another can be used to greatly improve your own builds in Minecraft. Most of them are also fairly easy to build so it shouldn’t be too difficult to rebuild them in your own worlds.

Creator: MCPEJohn

Let’s have a look at some of the creations.

Cobblestone Farm: It’s very useful in case you don’t enjoy mining but need cobblestone for building or crafting.

Passcode Door: This is a locked door which requires the correct passcode in order for you to access the area.

Defense Machine: Use the lever to toggle the defense system and enable the arrow shooting mechanism.

Draw Bridge: This creation is useful in case you want to avoid intruders to access your base.



A redstone wave is absolutely useless but it’s really eye-pleasing to look at. It’s like an installation of art using minecarts, pistons and redstone. There’s really no size limit but this particular one is big enough to creating a long lasting impression.

Creator: ProMrEnderman

Press the stone button found on one of the blue wool blocks. Once it’s pressed a redstone signal will be triggered and soon after the redstone wave will begin.

The minecarts will be launched up into the air and cause something looking like a wave but eventually it will stop.


The Most Secure Door

This is one of the most secured doors which you can build in Minecraft PE. According to the creator it has more than five tredecillion combinations (and no, I’ve never heard of that number until today). It’s impossible to crack the code, but as long you’ve got the combination it won’t take more than a minute to unlock the door.

Creator: MDS Minecraft, Twitter Account

Go ahead and see if you can find a way to crack the code. Once you’ve given up (which is very likely that you will) then you can access through another door to find the combination to actually unlock the door.

Here’s a tutorial which shows you how to build a similar redstone creation.


28 Redstone Creations

This redstone map features 28 different redstone creations. Most of which include at least one of the new redstone features like pistons and observers blocks which are available in version 0.15 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. It’s a great map to get some inspiration for things which you can build in your own worlds.

Creator: Generosario, Twitter Account

The Pop-up Chest is the perfect solution for keeping your stuff safely hidden away. Every time the button is pushed a new chest will pop-up.

Build this Chest Trap to make sure griefers and other intruders get what they actually deserve: a bath of lava.

If you want to make a floor or some type of platform only accessible for certain people then you can build this Piston Staircase. The staircase can be turned on and off by using a button.

If you are a building a storage room for all your treasures then you probably want to add some security to it. Here’s a simple system for locking and unlocking all of your chests by the use of one simple button. Even when the storage is locked up they are still visible but you won’t be able to open them.

Redstone is great for building secure and smart machines but it can also be used for creating funny things like this slime trampoline.

This is a Semi-Automatic Farm. Pull the lever to release the water and have all the wheat automatically collected in a chest. You will need to plant the seeds yourself though.

Here’s another type of hidden stairs but in this case it’s 2×2 instead of 1×1.

The Lava Bridge is a safe system for keeping monsters out at night. For example, build a lava moat around your house and switch it on during the night. No monsters in the Overworld can survive burning lava.

This creation is just something which you can use to have some fun. Stand on one of the pressure plates and be automatically pushed around by the piston and slime blocks.

It’s not just a fireplace. It’s actually a hidden door which leads down to some stairs.

The Cake Trap is a really useful invention for trapping other players. Once they have stepped into the trap there’s no way out as the pistons will be activated as soon as they step on the pressure plates and block them from getting out.

Here’s a super secure double lock door.

Besides these there are plenty of other creations in the map.
