Enderdads Epic Elytra

This map is one of the most challenging elytra maps currently available for Minecraft Pocket Edition (alpha version 1.0). There are no checkpoints and underneath you there is a consistent flow of hot burning lava. Traps and hostile mobs are common and you can’t do much to avoid either other than continuously dying and by each try slowly learning the dangers of the map.

Creator: enderdad, Twitter Account

Find the items in the chest and think of a way out of your prison cell. Hint: lever!

Find the access point for the elytra course, jump off the ledge and press the jump button once again to activate the gliding feature for your elytra wings. Try to avoid the obstacles and find a way down to the Nether portal.


Elytra MStyler777 2

This map features four different obstacle courses which need to be completed before you can consider yourself a true elytra champion. Elytra wings are one of the new features in version 1.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition (only available for Android as a beta). The wings can be attached to your body (as a chestplate) and then be used for gliding.

Creator: minecraftstyler777 (Twitter), chipscz

Begin by choosing a level. I recommended beginning with the easy ones and the gradually level up as you complete more levels.

Before you jump off the platform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one added to your chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air to activate the wings to start gliding.


Elytra Championship

Elytra Championship is a an elytra wings map where you need to fly through rings in order to complete the levels. The objective is always to be first to the finish line and the one with most wins is the ultimate elytra champion. It can be played for anywhere between 1 – 4 players.

Creator: vivek1128

Begin by choosing a team. There are four different to choose from: red, yellow, green or blue. You will only be allowed to go through rings which are of this color. Anyone doing otherwise must start over the current level.

Make sure that all players read and understand the instructions and rules at the beginning of the map before starting.

Pull the lever to start the redstone countdown.


Minecraft Advent Calendar 2016

Play this map if you want a fun way to count down the days to Christmas. Every day you can open a new door to play a new type of minigame. Continue this process for the remaining days until Christmas Eve. This is one of the best Christmas maps you can play for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Even though it’s tempting to go through all levels at once we do recommend that you wait until the next day to continue on a new level!

Creator: Haaky, Twitter Account


Five Elytra Challenges

Equip your wings and get ready for Five Elytra Challenges. It begins easy but as you gradually progress you’ll notice an increase in difficulty. This is probably one of the longest elytra maps currently available for Pocket Edition. It lasts for somewhere around 10 minutes but the length obviously depends on your skill level.

Creator: FH_Miner, Twitter Account

If it’s daytime then set it to nighttime by typing /set time night. When you are ready then jump into the air and tap on the jump button to activate the wings and you will start gliding. Fly through the rings and other obstacles to complete all five levels.

Once you’ve completed a level type /spawnpoint to create a checkpoint. If you failed on a level type /kill to restart. If it’s raining type /toggledownfall to disable the rain.


Elytra Challenge 2

This is the second map in a series of elytra challenges only available for version 0.17.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. There are five levels in total and each of them get gradually more difficult. It’s a fairly short map and most of you will probably find it easy to complete as it doesn’t include any insanely difficult obstacles. In other words, it’s a map for beginners.

Creator: Xnimates, Twitter Account

When first entering the map your player will be equipped with a pair of elytra wings. Simply jump into the air and then press the jump button one more time to activate the wings to start gliding. Try to follow through with the obstacle course by flying through the rings.

After completing one level you can type /spawnpoint in the text chat to get a checkpoint. If you fall down to the ground type /kill to start over and then take a pair of elytra wings from the chest and equip them in your chestplate slot.


Elytra Challenge

This is a challenge consisting of five levels which lets you test your flying skills using the elytra wings. Elytra wings is a new type of item available in 0.17.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition which allows the player to glide.

Creator: Xnimates, Twitter Account

Sign up for the latest Minecraft PE beta here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mojang.minecraftpe

Before starting make sure to grab a pair of elytra wings from one of the chests and equip it in the chestplate armor slot. To activate the wings you need to tap on the jump button once you are in air to start gliding.

The objective is to try to fly through the rings. If you miss one of the rings then you have to start over the level.

For checkpoints type /spawnpoint after finishing each level.


Elytra Parkour

This is a map specifically designed for the use of elytra wings which is a new type of item in version 0.17.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. 0.17.0 is currently only available as a beta version for Android users. The levels are really cool and creatively designed. For example, in one level you will be flying into the mouth of a huge lizard. If you want to try out the new gliding feature then this map is a must-play!

Creator: JPlaysPE, Twitter Account

Once you’ve equipped the wings then just jump into the air and tap on the jump button to activate the wings to start gliding. It’s really that simple!

Try to follow the track by flying through the rings.


Elytra MStyler777

Elytra maps are some of the most popular maps right now. Elytra wings is an entire new item as of version 0.17.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. We have reviewed a few other elytra maps recently and I have to say that this one tops the chart. Besides some really cool levels it’s also obvious that it has been thoroughly tested before being released as I experienced no troubles whatsoever flying it through.

Creator: minecraftstyler777, Twitter Account

Put on a pair of elytra wings, jump into the air and tap the jump button once more to start gliding. The objective is to fly through all of the rings. If you miss one you should preferably start over but there is nothing stopping you from continuing though.


Flying With Elytra

In this map you have to use a pair of elytra wings to fly through a series of obstacles. This is probably the most challenging elytra map out there right now as it requires you to fly both horizontally and sometimes make a huge leap vertically into some tunnel. And the fact that you have to play the majority of the map in darkness (during night) surely doesn’t make things easier. Either way, it’s a really fun map to play!

Creator: GGManYT

Elytra wings is a new item in 0.17.0 of Minecraft Pocket Edition. You can equip the item in one the chestplate armor slot. Basically they provide you the ability to glide. For example, you can jump down off a mountain, start gliding and then land safely on the ground.

In this map you will be taken through a series of obstacles.

If you have never used elytra wings before then I suggest you to warm up with one of the following maps:
