Ship Wars (Addon!)

Creator: ModzCraft101, Twitter Account

Split up on two opposite teams (blue and red) and then teleport (/teleport ) to the coordinates as found on the two signs in-game.

Once you have spawned on the ship you are not allowed to move until everyone have been teleported to their ship. Then start a countdown from 10 and after that has happened you are allowed to move and make a quick run for the chests somewhere around on the ship to find the weapons.

Use the weapons to destroy the other team’s ship. If you are killed you are not allowed to rejoin until the round has finished. The round ends as soon as all members of one team are dead or if a ship is entirely destroyed.

You can restart the map by using the world template.

Important: Make sure there is a resource pack and a behavior pack enabled for the world before starting.


MedievalWays Hunger Games

MedievalWays features a hunger games arena set in a medieval themed environment suitable for anywhere between 2 to 8 players. It’s a fairly small arena but the great advantage with that is that there will be lots of fighting and the rounds are shorter. It’s a fairly simple map but still pretty fun to play!

Creator: TeamBOB123

Gather everyone in the lobby before dropping down into the actual arena. Stand on one chiseled stone brick each. Make a countdown from 10 and then run toward the middle and drop down into the arena.

The first objective is to find some items from the chests which can be found around the arena but you’ve got to be quick in order to get there before your opponents.

This hunger games map is fairly small and that means that you don’t have too many places to hide and there will likely be lots of fighting right after it starts.

The player alive is the winner. Just remember that only one winner is allowed so if you decide to team up with someone just keep in mind that one of you will have to die in the end!


Extreme Paintball

Extreme Paintball is an awesome map which is recommended for 2-4 players. It can be played either as regular paintball style or King of the Ladder style. The map makes use of an addon which turns the snowball into a paintball that deals 1 heart of damage per hit and has an infinite range, meaning, it goes exactly where you throw it.

Creator: Cody2074, Twitter AccountAddon by: Paradiscal, Twitter AccountTextures by: CodeCrafted, Twitter

To play you will need to be at least two players but more players are preferable. Type the following text command to give paintballs to all players: /give @a snowball 300 0

Split up into four different teams: blue, green, red and yellow and then enter the map.

Type /spawnpoint and then make a countdown from 5 before dropping down into the arena.

As soon as you enter the paintball arena the battle begins. The winner is the last player (or team) alive.

You can also play this map King of the Ladder style. Use the same instructions as above but give also players enchanted golden apples.

The objective for a King of the Ladder type of gameplay is to get to the highest platform and stay there for the longest time during a period of five minutes.


Paradiscal’s Paintball 3: Sakura Swamp

This is the third paintball map in a map series by Paradiscal. The following paintball arena looks a lot different from the other ones. It’s a little bit bigger and includes more hiding spots than the previous ones. It’s really useful if you are more than just two players and want some open spaces. The map includes an addon which adds paintballs and other custom items to the map.

Creator: Paradiscal, Twitter Account

This map requires at least two players. Once two (or more) players have entered the map then stand on the pressure plates to open the door which leads to the paintball arena.

Before starting you will need to pick up some gear, food and weapons. Use the commands as seen on the different signs in-game to equip everyone with the correct items.

Once everyone are ready it’s time to enter the arena. Start a countdown from 10 before beginning a round.

The objective is to shoot the other players with paintballs (snowballs). There are also other custom items besides the paintballs which you can use to greatly improve your chances of winning.


Medieval TNT Wars

TNT Wars is a type of multiplayer player vs. player minigame where you need to build TNT cannons to take down the other team. To win you either have to kill all of the opposite team members or destroy their base and knock them off the sky island. It’s a quite time-consuming challenge but nonetheless very fun!

Creator: ModzCraft101, Twitter Account

To play this map you will need at least two players but preferably more as it’s a rather big map, at least just for two players. Split up in two teams and go to one island each. Read the signs in the lobby to find the coordinates you must teleport to in order to start the game.

Build TNT cannons by using the blocks which you find on your sky island.

If you don’t know how to build a TNT cannon then please watch the video down below.

First off you need to break through the huge wall which separates the two islands.

Once you’ve done that you need to start firing at the base to hopefully kill the other players or demolish their entire island until no one is left standing.


Paradiscal’s Paintball 2: Apocalypse

This map features a paintball arena which is suitable for 2-4 players. The map automatically includes an addon which replaces some of the items in-game with tools and weapons related to paintball. All of the block textures have also been customized to suit the apocalyptic map theme. It’s a great map if you want to play paintball with some friends in Minecraft!

Creator: Paradiscal, Twitter AccountUpdated: 16 January, 2017 (bug fixes)

This map requires at least two players but if you are more players then that’s better. Split up on two separate teams, gear up and then head into the arena.

Start a countdown from 10 before starting a round. Use the Paintball Launchers to shoot the other players.

It’s a small map with just a few structures which you can use as cover. This will hopefully make the gameplay a bit more intense.


Big Tree Man

This is a great map if you need some type of arena to fight other players. It’s a really well designed map which features a huge tree which has the appearance of a man (with wild hair). Surrounding the giant tree are interconnected skyblock islands. There are no specific set of rules or guidelines which you need to follow. Make up your own as you go and have some fun!

Creator: Dany16


The End TNT Wars

TNT Wars is a minigame where you need to construct TNT cannons which you then have to use to destroy the other team’s base. You will be split up on two separate islands which are divided by a huge wall. It’s a really fun type of minigame which I highly recommend to play with at least a couple of other players. Teamwork is essential here so make sure to communicate with the other team members!

Creator: ModzCraft101, Twitter Account

This map requires at least two players but if you are more then it will most likely be much more fun. Split up in two teams and teleport to the coordinates which can be found on a sign in the map.

The objective is to destroy the other team’s base and kill the opposite team’s members or knock them off their platform.

To do that you must know how to build a TNT cannon as that will be your only weapon against the other team.

There are countless of tutorials on how how this can be done but here’s a tutorial which I used for building my cannon:

First off you need to break through the wall. Once that is done you can start firing TNTs at the other team’s base.


Paradiscal’s Paintball

Paintball is a type of game where players have to shoot other players and by doing this take out the other team. This game doesn’t work exactly as in real life as here you will be able to kill other players which for obvious reasons aren’t possible in real life.

This map includes an addon which turns the snowball into a paintball gun. The aim is set to infinite range and will hit the target exactly where you aimed.

Creator: Paradiscal, Twitter Account

You will need at least two players to play this map. Let two of the players stand on one pressure plate each to access a hidden lever. Pull the lever to open the front gate and you will be able to access the arena.

Before entering the paintball arena make sure to give everyone some ammunition by typing the following text command: /give @a snowball 300

It’s up to you whether you want to play team deathmatch or normal deathmatch. Just make sure to spread out in the arena and not stand too close to an enemy. No one is allowed to start firing until the game has started.

To make sure everyone are ready start a countdown from 10 before starting.

If you get hit by a paintball pellet you will lose 1 heart. Once you are dead you are not allowed to enter the arena until it’s time for the next round.


Paradiscal’s Paintball

Paintball is a type of game where players have to shoot other players and by doing this take out the other team. This game doesn’t work exactly as in real life as here you will be able to kill other players which for obvious reasons aren’t possible in real life.

This map includes an addon which turns the snowball into a paintball gun. The aim is set to infinite range and will hit the target exactly where you aimed.

Creator: Paradiscal, Twitter Account

You will need at least two players to play this map. Let two of the players stand on one pressure plate each to access a hidden lever. Pull the lever to open the front gate and you will be able to access the arena.

Before entering the paintball arena make sure to give everyone some ammunition by typing the following text command: /give @a snowball 300

It’s up to you whether you want to play team deathmatch or normal deathmatch. Just make sure to spread out in the arena and not stand too close to an enemy. No one is allowed to start firing until the game has started.

To make sure everyone are ready start a countdown from 10 before starting.

If you get hit by a paintball pellet you will lose 1 heart. Once you are dead you are not allowed to enter the arena until it’s time for the next round.
